TC2 worked with the City of Fargo on a traffic study to review a developing area that serves many industrial uses and a large e-commerce fulfillment center. The project included identifying future development potential and the necessary transportation network improvements to support it.
In order to accommodate expected growth, the study identified several key transportation improvements, including an access management strategy, turn lane and other roadway geometric changes, and future traffic control needs. The study also evaluated and recommended roadway network improvements to cost-effectively maximize development potential while minimizing infrastructure investment.
The City of Fargo will leverage this study to help guide economic development in the area, as well as to assist in the development review and approval process. This type of plan helps build confidence amongst city and elected officials, provides technical guidance to developers, and ensures a safe, efficient, and convenient transportation system for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
117 N Washington Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55401